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Native Bentgrass - Agrostis Pallens Lawn Sod

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Native Bentgrass Lawn Sod

Agrostis pallens, San Diego Bentgrass, Thingrass, California bentgrass etc. FULL SUN - PART SHADE

Agrostis pallens is a true California Native Grass. Bentgrass occurs naturally in almost all densely inhabited areas of the state. That doesn't mean it grows like a weed - it still needs a little help to get started, especially where soil conditions are not ideal. It stays green most of the year with some exceptions.* Experiencing golden patches in summer or in hot climates with heat waves. 

This native meadow grass works great for regularly mowed areas or those you want to leave long and natural.

It was originally engineered as a golf course turf and rough replacement. You can maintain Native Bentgrass at a mow height of anywhere from 3-12." Just ensure you do cut it back (with a string trim) at least twice a year in spring and fall or it will loose its greenery. Never trim by more than 1/3 of its total height or you may cause scalping.  

*In hot inland summer climates grass can go into summer dormancy in high

Terms and conditions

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Native Bentgrass - Agrostis Pallens Lawn Sod
Native Bentgrass - Agrostis Pallens Lawn Sod
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Native Sod Comparison Guide

Click PDF Guide button to view our 2 page comparison on our most popular lawn products (note Fescue price has changed). Or watch the video to see what these California native lawn sod and grass alternative products look like in action.
See PDF Guide

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Stuart L.
Just what I was looking for

I spent quite a bit of time researching grass options for my backyard landscaping project. I planned for only 500 square feet to minimize water usage. I’m very happy with this grass as it has a much softer texture than any fescue lawn and it has been easy to control it creeping into adjacent flower beds compared to Bermuda grass. I started with leaving it long and it looked great but it wasn’t practical since I have a fig tree and need to be able to pick up fallen fruit. It suffered a few brown patches when I cut it down to a shorter height, but it has come back very nicely now. It does prefer a cooler zone than my zone 9-10 yard but I have a tall hedge on the west and shady fig which helps keep it cooler in the afternoons. I mow with a 17” battery powered mower at about one to one and a half inches. I will raise the height this summer to save more water.

Vincent Bellino
Great experience

I really like this native grass. Has been growing well and looks nice year round where many native grasses go dormant. Haven’t experimented with differing water times but so far I’m doing every 3 days. Keeps it happy. A bit pricey but I don’t mind because it’s quality and native

Sarah ferry
Beautiful, & amazing customer service from Briana!

Love how this grass has transformed our yard and durable for my dogs and kids.

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