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Sterile Frogfruit Groundcover Lawn - Phyla Nodiflora Sod

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Type: Groundcover

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Due to ongoing availability issues Phyla nodiflora delivery is on stand-by in NORTHERN CALIFORNIA until September 15 2024Southern California is in full stock so shop freely. 

Improved Frogfruit - Native Succulent Groundcover Lawn (Sterile)

AKA: ALT LAWN ULTRA, Phyla nodiflora, Sterile Verbena nodiflora, Frogfruit, Turkey Tangle, etc.

Phyla nodiflora is a succulent native groundcover that's been hybridized to increase fluffiness and prevent spread by seed. Instead it spreads and continuously fills in in warm seasons with its squishy spreading runners. As long as the soil drainage is great! Otherwise it can suffer quickly from drowning.

Sterile Frogfruit spreading ground cover works great as a full-coverage lawn. And it's the most waterwise native sod option available for summer greenery. It requires deep waterings only every 1-2x weeks in summer after it's first year's maturity. And it's suitable for medium - high traffic areas and pets. 

California native groundcover lawn alternatives are sustainable and cost a small fraction of artificial turf. They're

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Sterile Frogfruit Groundcover Lawn - Phyla Nodiflora Sod
Sterile Frogfruit Groundcover Lawn - Phyla Nodiflora Sod
Caret Down

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