California Buffalo Grass Plug Pack


72 Plugs (from $0.50 / Sq.ft.)

Lawn-friendly Buffalo grass is now widely and easily available in plug form. Great for full sun locations. A warm season grower with some dormancy in winter it's best installed March - August. This grass fills in over 3-4 months when planted in appropriate seasons. Its roots grow to several feet deep for an amazing low-water native lawn.

  • Save %75 water over conventional lawn. 
  • No-Mow Native Lawn (grows to a maximum height of 6" for a low meadow OR mow 1x month for a classic manicured look)
  • Heavy Foot Traffic Tolerant
  • Heat-tolerant - specifically bred by UC Davis & UC Riverside for full sun in California's hottest climates

Covers 110 sq.ft. with 15" spacing. This grass requires thorough soil preparation to establish well (scroll down for details). Buffalo grass goes dormant and FULLY turns a golden straw color November-February. Mow closely in earliest spring when you see new green growth appear. To speed up your lawn's regreen. Minimally irrigate in winter.  

Click Order Now below to visit California Buffalo Grass

And order direct from California's most trusted Verde Buffalo Grass plug producer Takao Nursery; a multi-generational family run nursery.


Plug Installation

Soil preparation starts at least 1 month in advance with repeat herbicide applications. Water heavily than apply grass killing and pre-emergent chemicals (or thorough solarization with heavy plastic) to kill existing plant life and seeds in your soil. Soil must then be raked, re-watered deeply to provide compaction and amended with topsoil before planting.

Plugs are best installed with a 15" bulb auger drill attachment. Dipping plugs in a specialty root dip helps to speed their establishment. Water heavily and daily after plug planting and throughout the first 1-2 months establishment. Slowly reduce watering to one time a week over a six month period AFTER roots have begun to establish.

Plants take anywhere from 120-160 days to fully establish. May be slower in cooler coastal climates.

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