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Contemporary Style | Low-Water Landscaping Plant Package

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Type: Greener Yards
Style: Trees & Shrubs
Square Footage: 1+
Color: Pink

Package Details

Caret Down

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Gorgeous ornamental grasses give a smooth look in spring and a show-stopping performance in fall. The dramatic cycle is a welcome mark of the seasons in a climate where autumn leaves are often late on arrival. Fall-blooming native grasses front this subtle blend of forms and blue, green and gold foliage colors. Lemon and olive trees provide shade and elegance. A perfect compliment to Modern hardscape features. Choose a more minimalist design with ʻ White Cloudʼ muhly grass and succulents. Or go electric with ʻPink Mistʼ MuhlenbergiaMexican bush sage and Acacia cognata ʻ Cousin Ittʼ.

All grasses go dormant or get cutback heavily in winter. Add low-growing ceanothus groundcovers or bulbs underneath where more winter color is desired. Native hairgrass (Deschampsia caes.) isnʼt always available so we swap it for Bouteloua gracilis or Carex pansa if needed.

HOW-TO: Simply measure the square footage of the garden beds you wish to plant (or use google earth's handy ruler tool to get a pretty good approximation!) enter it into our square footage calculator and select your delivery date (5 business days is a good amount of lead time for us). Use the product guide to install and layout your plants. We can email you more details too. If you've got questions contact us.   


Accent Beds Only (White): Muhly Grass 'White Cloud',  Golden Hanging Hair Grass or Blue Grama Grass, Rosemary 'Boule' or 'Gorizia', Euphorbia 'wulfenii',  Mexican Bush Sage, 'Heavy Metal' Switchgrass, Hesperaloe, 

Accent Beds Only (Pink): Pink Muhly Grass, Golden Hanging Hair Grass or Blue Grama Grass, Rosemary 'Boule' or 'Gorizia' Mexican Bush Sage, 'Heavy Metal' Switchgrass, Yarrow,  Iris (or Gaura depend. on availability)

All Trees & Shrubs (White): Muhly Grass 'White Cloud',  Golden Hanging Hair Grass or Blue Grama GrassRosemary 'Boule' or 'Gorizia', Euphorbia 'wulfenii',  Mexican Bush Sage, 'Heavy Metal' Switchgrass, Hesperaloe, + Pencil Cactus, Olive Tree, Lemon Tree (or Apple 'Anna' dependent on availability), Western Redbud, Ceanothus groundcover

All Trees & Shrubs (Pink): Pink Muhly Grass, Golden Hanging Hair Grass or Blue Grama Grass, Rosemary 'Boule' or 'Gorizia' Mexican Bush Sage, 'Heavy Metal' Switchgrass, Yarrow,  Iris (or Gaura depend. on availability) + Little River Wattle 'Cousin Itt', Pencil Cactus, Olive Tree, Lemon Tree (or Apple 'Anna' dependent on availability), Western Redbud, Ceanothus groundcover


All Trees & Shrubs

300 sq.ft. +    From 45 total plants (one gallon)
500 sq.ft. +    From 80 total plants (some 5 gallons)
1000 sq.ft.+  From 150 total plants (some 15 gallons)

Accent Beds Only

300 sq.ft. +    From 45 total plants (one gallon)
500 sq.ft. +    From 95 total plants (some 5 gallons)
1000 sq.ft.+  From 200 total plants (some 15 gallons)

Want to make a substitution? Just leave your request in the notes at checkout. Accommodations are often doable! Gold muhly grass (lindheirmi) also seasonally available.  

Terms and conditions

Caret Down
Contemporary Style | Low-Water Landscaping Plant Package
Contemporary Style | Low-Water Landscaping Plant Package
Caret Down

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