Recreate a rare California Wildflower ecosystem in your own back (or front!) yard. This garden is a native-inspired plant palette that produces incredible pops of vibrant color each Spring and dramatic waves of amber grasses each fall.
Seasonal garden with a lot more plants than others given the slender profile of many of these taller plants & grasses.
Small (150 sq.ft.) 40 x 4" & One Gallon Plants: Showy Penstemon, Coyote Mint, Western Verbena, California Phacelia or Heliotrope, California Brodiea, Showy Penstemon, California Wild Grass Mix, Hummingbird Mint, Select native sages *Golden Poppy, Lindley's Blazing Star
Medium (250 sq.ft.) 70 x 4" & One Gallon Plants: Purple Sage, Palmer's Indian Mallow, Showy Penstemon, Coyote Mint, Western Verbena, California Phacelia or Heliotrope, California Brodiea, Harlequin lotus, California Wild Grass Mix, Hummingbird Mint, Pink Muhly grass, Blue Eyed Grass, Sundrops or Yellow Aster *Golden Poppy, Lindley's Blazing Star
Large (500-750 sq.ft.) 100-125 x 4", One Gallon & 5 gallon Plants: Ceanothus 'Concha', Saltbush, Silver Bush Lupin, Purple Sage, Palmer's Indian Mallow, Showy Penstemon, Coyote Mint, Western Verbena, California Phacelia or Heliotrope, California Brodiea, Harlequin lotus, Showy Penstemon, California Wild Grass Mix, Hummingbird Mint, Pink Muhly grass, Blue Eyed Grass, Sundrops or Yellow Aster, *Golden Poppy, Matilija Poppy
*Poppy live plants shipped only when seasonally available Spring-Summer ONLY. Substituted with best native Wildflowers in other seasons*
SIZES: Up to 20% 4" Plants / 10% 5 gallons
Sunset Zone: 16-17, 19-24 / Native to: 90% California 10% Mexico Native
Habitat: Chaparral, Prairie, Foothills
Wildlife: Birds & Pollinators / Blooms: Spring-Fall
Fragrance: Minty, Herbal / Uses: Wildlife, Famine Foods
Water Needs: Low / Soil Needs: Improved Drainage