Plant a succulent extravaganza out your door with this ultra low-water collection of plants. Sun-loving, sculptural and straightforward, this preplanned garden pairs well with rocks, modern feels and garden art.
Hot yellow blossoms, sultry cactus talons and soft-hued succulents make for a truly climate friendly garden. These plants require excellent drainage but can survive with minimal watering (cactus featuring gardens even hand watering!) once established.
Small (covers 150 sq.ft.): Firestick Plant, Barrel Cactus, Mediterranean Spurge, Cape aloe, Purple Echeveria, Dudleya or Hens & Chicks, Blue Chalksticks = 35+ total plants
Medium (covers 300 sq.ft.): Firestick Plant, Barrel Cactus, Mediterranean Spurge, Cape aloe, Purple Echeveria, Dudleya or Hens & Chicks, Blue Chalksticks + Dasilirion, Blue Agave, Knife-leaf Acacia, Hesperaloe or Star of Madeira, Sedums = 50+ total plants
Large (covers 500-700 sq.ft.): Firestick Plant, Barrel Cactus, Mediterranean Spurge, Cape aloe, Purple Echeveria, Dudleya or Hens & Chicks, Blue Chalksticks, Dasilirion, Blue Agave, Knife-leaf Acacia, Hesperaloe or Star of Madeira, Sedums + Palo Verde Tree, Torch Aloe, Spanish Bayonet = 75+ total plants
Large w/ Succulents Only: Knifeleaf Acacia, Black Aeonium, Saucer Aeonium, Tree or Large Aloe, Spotted Aloe, String of Buttons, Purple Echeveria, Lipstick Echeveria, Snowball Echeveria, Star of Madeira, Mediterranean Spurge, Hesperaloe, Paddle Plant, Lemon Sedum, Blue Chalksticks = 75 total plants