Easy Edibles for California

In honor of the approaching Thanksgiving feasts we're going to talk about growing food. And why it's an important part of our inventory (drought tolerant or not!)


Include a mix of pollinator attracting plants, soil improving plants & a diverse blend of yummy FRUITS!

  • Utilize part shade
  • Include super hardy plants
  • Nurture & irrigate your

Put the most attention into your primo crops (the things you want and will be the most excited to eat). Place them as close as possible to your kitchen, driveway or walkways so you see them and remember to take care of them. 

We want your garden to be pretty, diverse and lush enough that it draws you in. A little messy, a little wild but full of life. Because vivacious gardens are the most self-maintaining. 

French country courtyard landscape with beautiful and easy to access edible trees

Make Harvesting Easy

Harvesting should be a pleasurable part of your walks or occasional work in the garden. Sit near a plant for awhile and you might notice it needs a little water or fertilizer. Crush a leaf or blossom between your fingers. And once it's grown, stop and snack in your food forest at your leisure. Or if there's a lot, grab a basket!

Or you can make it a part of your weekly-monthly pruning habit. Hack off a bunch of that overgrown rosemary, mint or bay, tie it into a bunch and hang 

And if you have more fallen fruit than you can handle, well guess what, most cities are FINALLY offering free composting services, so you're just putting that fruit right back into our state's fertility. hurray! 



Herbs are an amazing way to engage with the garden. They're easy, often incredibly drought tolerant and there whenever you need them. Crush a leaf or two between your fingers. Maybe the fragrance will inspire your next meal! Plus many of them are amazing pest deterrents. Growing rosemary, mint, parsley, native sages or lavender as a foundation planting helps to deter rodents and insects from wanting to nest there. (hey are you farming bees? wintergreen and thyme are awesome for supporting mite reduction) 

gorgeous lavender lined gravel path in california

  • Rosemary, Lavender & Sage
  • Anise (naturalized on much of California's coast)
  • Bay (California native Bay is SUPER vanilla-menthol-spicy, Laurel is true mediterranean varietal) 
  • Mint (in the shade - keep in a container if spread is a major concern, try 'chocolate mint')
  • Kale (in part shade)


  • Many berries benefit from part shade (Esp. when planted to the South side of deciduous trees)
  • Currants, Alpine Strawberry & Huckleberry %50 Shade OK
  • Mulberries (EASIEST berry crop to grow! Tho very big tree)
  • Grapes (do we call these a berry?) rangey, relatively low-water and heat loving


  • Figs (mission figs naturalized in much of California)
  • Avocado (new dwarf varietals are now available)
  • Guava (Mexican guavas have naturalized in parts of L.A.)
  • Pomegranate (for warm dry climates)

Pomegranate, geranium, mint, bay laurel and citrus making up a marvelous mediterranean garden


  • Plum or Apricot (look out for bore beetles in some regions)
  • Citrus (where quarantines allow)
  • Persimmon (native or Asian!)
  • Apple & Pear (low-chill varieties like 'Anna' or 'Southern Bartlett')


  • Western Redbud (Edible flowers *fresh* & bean pods *cooked*)
  • Chaya /Mayan Spinach (Edible leaves, shade)
  • Bamboo (Edible shoots)
  • Bay Laurel (fresh culinary herb)

Looking to purchase a whole bunch of edibles? We deliver stand-out edibles in designer garden packages that come complete with soil-improving and pollinator-attracting plants. SHOP NOW