Our Story


Our Gardens

Designed with California native and mediterranean-climate region plants. Plants that require [once mature] as little maintenance and external inputs - irrigation, fertilizer, frequent pruning -  from their caretakers as possible.

Create a look and setting that revives the natural beauty of California. Re-envisioning its regional ecological identity. And are lush and good-looking without wasting water.


Our Company

Built to Bridge the Landscaping Industry

Woman-Owned & Operated

We want to give you a shortcut to great water-saving plant combo’s. Whether it's the latest native lawns or the best drought-tolerant companion plants, we're here to help you replace the depressing parts of your yard. With plants that will contribute to the improvement of our environment & climate. 

We care about the speed of change (& diversity) because nature needs it now more than ever.

Our plants and lawns come directly from local growers to your driveway. From wholesale nurseries previously only contractors and architects had access to. Which means a bigger selection of specialty plants at competitive prices. Save water, save habitat, save a pile on custom design fees AND save yourself the headache of looking at a dull yard... 


We believe plants can heal the planet. And that grassroots ecosystem rebuilding is the main thing that will! We are always asking how to make California more sustainable. And now, more than ever, that starts with your home's landscaping.