Water Needs

All nursery plants will need supplemental watering during their establishment phase (6-12 weeks). After this time their roots will be well established enough to adapt to their recommended watering cycle.

Very Low Water: Hand water during initial establishment phase (6 weeks-12 weeks) suitable; occasional (1-2x a month) during cool seasons. Little to no water during hot.

Low Water: Hand water during initial establishment phase (6 weeks - 12 weeks). Water 1x a week during cool seasons and hot. 

Moderate Water: Best maintained with an irrigation system. Water 2x a week year round. 

Regular Water: 

Caution: Be very limited in watering of drought tolerant and low water plants during hot times of year. These plants are specially adapted to survive long periods of drought. Medium to large amounts of water during heat waves is likely to kill these plants as it feeds a root sabotaging fungus.