Fire-Wise Landscaping Products

Shop Plant Blends and Mow-Free Lawn options that meet Cal Fire landscaping plant recommendations. Or that are believed to slow the spread of fire in the landscape.


The Royal Californian preplanned garden

Native plants in colorful combination with part-shade tolerance. Water as little as once a week in summer *after establishment*!

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Customer Reviews

Folsom, CA

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE, love, love our front yard. I would often just compeletely ignore it as I hated it so much...the dyed bark, the poor plant placement, the water guzzling plants. This is incredible and even though it's not a big yard, I love spending time in it looking at all the plants. finally... the butterflies are back!

Royal Californian

"Before the front yard was just kind of a burden. An eyesore we didn’t want to invest any time in. Now we get a lot of comments from the neighbors... instead of lamenting it we find ourselves talking about it! We do very little maintenance and only water once a week in summer. We get 10-12 hours of direct hot sun... couldn't keep a lawn green if we tried."

Campbell, CA

"The install went well! We are still working on getting the pavers in next few weeks but we love it so far. Even several neighbors walking by have already commented on how nice it looks... really looking forward to everything growing in!"

Escondido, CA

"It was 5,000 sq.ft. of drab patchy grass. If I didn't mow it looked abandoned. We were like, let's try something that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance, something that’s attractive to look at, something that maybe looks a little more natural, a part of the landscape... now we just love it. Your offerings marry well plants that are native or that can survive well in our environment. There’s so much prethought put into what looks good together. Not only color-wise but shape and heights ... I really like that."

Los Angeles, CA

Cannot say enough good things about [California Wild Gardens] and their love for gardens and customers. They helped me pick the best native no-mow lawn for my area/shade coverage, and was so quick/easy to set up delivery... Hard to find customer service like this and it's so appreciated!

Los Angeles, CA

"THIS. IS. EVERYTHING! Sign me up for ALL of it!...I have always wanted to both fill our yard with hummingbird and native plants and also cultivate my own patio orchard garden so that our family has its own food source [while] providing habitat and protection for the insects, birds, and wildlife that we need in order to take care of our planet."

Sierra Madre, CA

"Have you seen how much custom design costs lately? This is fantastic. These are REAL landscape designs, you've got everything're going to save a pile just on the design itself. I'm thinking for myself actually."

Blossom 365 Hummingbird Garden | Curated Plant Set

Regular price
From $949.99
Regular price
Sale price
From $949.99


Wild gardens repair environments.

Shop Succulents

Succulent Soul | Drought-Tolerant Garden | Plant Package & Design Plan
Regular price
From $895.00
Regular price
Sale price
From $895.00
Xeric Modern | Plant Package & Design Plan
Regular price
From $925.00
Regular price
Sale price
From $925.00

Succulent Soul | Drought-Tolerant Garden | Plant Package & Design Plan

Regular price
From $895.00
Regular price
Sale price
From $895.00

Xeric Modern | Plant Package & Design Plan

Regular price
From $925.00
Regular price
Sale price
From $925.00

Grow the Difference

Localize Your Garden

Grow Native Plants
25-95% California Native plants in every plant set. In densities that reflect the wild.

Save %50-90 on Irrigation

Grow Water-Savings
Drought-Tolerant gardens require half the water or less than conventional lawns (once mature).

Replant the wild

Grow Pollinator Habitat
From birds and bees to the soil food web nearly every single plant in our designs provides a purpose or benefits local habitat.

2-3x the Plant Species

Grow Diversity
More plant diversity means more year-round beauty AND higher success rates. Where one species may struggle with your exact soil others will thrive.